An Undomesticated Sequel to Stable Relation

Stable Relation was my first book, a memoir about moving to my farm. Have you ever had one of those itches that just won’t go away? That’s how it happens that a nobody like me writes a memoir.

Published eight years ago, Facebook memories recently brought that historic time back. Only historic to me, but we all live small lives with big dates.

The first FB memory photo was my book on someone’s table. But it wasn’t on my table! It took my breath away. No, it wasn’t a panic attack. Not really.

More readers shared photos of the book with their dogs and cats. The book was at the beach and in stalls being read by horses. Stable Relation traveled more that first month than I had in my life. More than grateful to my readers, I was awestruck.

I didn’t know what would happen next. I had no idea I’d be invited to travel to the places my book had gone, internationally and across the US, to give clinics and writing workshops. I could never have dreamed so big; my life took off in directions I didn’t expect. But even when you write the book, you don’t know how it’s gonna end.

Crash! The pandemic brought my brilliant career to a dead halt, and I became a non-essential worker. With horses to feed. I started an online school. Once more, horses saved me. They love working from home.

My friend Sarah heard that the New York Times was asking people to write in with stories of how COVID-19 changed their work. I told her what I was doing was nothing special. She said out here in the real world, we think it’s odd. Always good to have friends in the real world. I thought about the idea, but I didn’t write an article. I stayed home for two years and when I finally went back to doing clinics live, I wrote a book about it.

Did you know there is a genre called travel memoir? Me neither, but I wrote one called Undomesticated Women, Anecdotal Evidence from the Road. In 2022, my dog and I traveled 14,000 miles with an A-frame trailer called the Rollin’ Rancho. I have a few things to say about my work, dogs, RV parks, roadkill, horses, diverse landscapes, and undomesticated women.

It’s almost finished… after two professional edits, five revisions by me, and right now, one more final line edit. I have the cover figured out and it’s going to be incredible.

Here’s the crazy part. While looking at those old photos of Stable Relation on Facebook and compiling my manuscript, I realized that Undomesticated Women is the sequel to Stable Relation. You’d think I would have noticed 108,278 words sooner. But even when you write a memoir, you don’t know how it’s gonna end.

Expect Undomesticated Women in late fall, 2023. After that, who knows?

(An audiobook version of Stable Relation and my five other books are available now.)

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Anna Blake, Relaxed & Forward, Horse Advocate, Author, Speaker, Equine pro
Website Email Amazon Books Author FB Lilith House Press

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  1. There she goes again, writing about things she knows absolutely tons about. Count me a forever fan of the very stable Anna Blake!


  2. There she goes again, writing about things she knows tons about! Forever fan of Anna Blake and her stable relation with her readers and their loved ones.


  3. Stable Relation is a favorite I have the print version and the audio! A women on her own, finding herself and her own way. My favorite chapter is the one about the blizzard, the actions you took to keep everyone alive are actions I would likely do. Can’t wait for the new book.


  4. I can not wait to read this one.I will tryto order it tomorrow. As I have reviewed your other books I hipe it will ok for me to review this one on my Horse Addict blog.


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